Product reviews can help make a purchasing decision. Google will release another update in the coming weeks to make it even easier to find high-quality, original reviews.
This upcoming update builds on Google’s efforts to display more helpful, in-depth reviews based on first-hand knowledge in search results. Google’s next product review update coincides with the completion of the recently announced – Helpful Content Update.
When you count product review updates in July, that is three confirmed Google algorithm updates in a month. Google appears to be on a mission to rid the front page of low-value content with a particular emphasis on content used to inform purchasing decisions. factored
About This Product Review Update
The announcement from Google provides a few details about the upcoming product review algorithm update. You might have missed it if you skimmed the blog post because the mention was brief. According to the announcement:
“We know product reviews can play an important role in helping you make a decision on something to buy. Last year, we kicked off a series of updates to show more helpful, in-depth reviews based on first-hand expertise in search results.
We’ve continued to refine these systems, and in the coming weeks, we’ll roll out another update to make it even easier to find high-quality, original reviews. We’ll continue this work to make sure you find the most useful information when you’re researching a purchase on the web.”
It suggests that the next update will be more of the same. Google’s messaging about its product review algorithm has not changed significantly from one update to the next. Google’s guidance is likely to remain unchanged this time.
Likely Link With The Helpful Content Update?
Google’s next product review update will expect to begin rolling out around the time a helpful content update is completed. The proximity of the Helpful content update and the product review update suggests a possible link. We anticipate that Google will be able better identify product reviews that add unique value or demonstrate direct knowledge as a result of
helpful content update.
Both algorithms intend to detect similar features in a piece of content. Google offers the following advice on determining the worth of a page in a blog post about the helpful content update:
“Does your content clearly demonstrate first-hand expertise and a depth of knowledge (for example, expertise that comes from having actually used a product or service, or visiting a place)?”
It sounds like what the product review update is looking for. When the helpful content update is complete, Google may use the information gathered to inform the next iteration of the product review update. It could help boost useful product review pages that Google overlooked in previous updates.
Google, on the other hand, can use the data to identify low-quality product reviews. Low-quality product review pages that are not down after previous updates may fall in rankings. It is unclear whether Google will provide additional details about the upcoming product review update before it goes live.
Final Words
If your website contains product reviews, you should check your rankings to see if you were affected. Did your Google organic traffic increase, decrease, or remain stable? Long term, you will want to make sure that you put a lot more detail and effort into your product review content in the future so that it is unique and stands out from the competition on the web.
Additionally, those who were impacted by previous core updates and put in the effort may be given a reward by this August 2022 product reviews update.