Write For Us

At RAKSAV, we take immense pride in establishing a strong and influential presence in the market. This achievement has been made possible through relentless dedication and unwavering effort. As we continue to grow, we understand the significance of maintaining the quality and relevance of the content we share on our blog.

We highly value the insights and expertise of guest contributors like you, and we appreciate your interest in contributing to our platform. However, to ensure that our blog continues to offer valuable and engaging content to our readers, we have established certain guidelines and expectations for guest submissions.

Before submitting your blog post to RAKSAV, please take a moment to read the following instructions carefully.

Why Guest Post with us?

Guest Posting with RAKSAV – Unleash the Benefits:

  • Exposure: By contributing to RAKSAV, you gain access to our established and engaged audience. Your insights and expertise will be showcased to a diverse readership, increasing your online visibility.
  • Credibility: Associating your name and expertise with our reputable platform enhances your credibility in your field. Readers trust content from RAKSAV, making your guest posts more impactful.
  • Networking: Connect with a community of like-minded professionals and thought leaders. Our platform serves as a meeting point for experts in various industries, fostering valuable connections.
  • Traffic: Your guest post can drive targeted traffic to your website or social media profiles. We encourage you to include a bio with links, allowing interested readers to learn more about you.
  • SEO Benefits: Quality backlinks from RAKSAV can improve your website’s SEO. Search engines consider authoritative links when ranking sites, potentially boosting your online presence.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Share your expertise and knowledge with a broader audience. Educate and inform readers about your industry, passions, or areas of specialization.
  • Engagement: Engage in meaningful discussions with our readers through comments and social media. Your insights can spark conversations, expanding your influence.
  • Promotion: We promote our guest contributors’ articles across our social media platforms and newsletters, maximizing the reach of your content.
  • Content Collaboration: Joining our community of contributors opens the door to potential collaborations with other experts in your field, leading to new opportunities.
  • Personal Growth: Writing for RAKSAV can be personally rewarding. It challenges you to explore new topics, refine your writing skills, and share your unique perspective with the world.

Benefits of write on RAKSAV

At RAKSAV, we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and collaboration. When you choose to guest post with us, you not only benefit from our platform’s reach and reputation but also become an integral part of a community dedicated to spreading valuable insights and expertise.

Ready to share your knowledge and expertise with our audience? Submit your guest post today and embark on a journey of growth, exposure, and meaningful connections with RAKSAV!













Topics We Welcome:


Rules and Tips For Publishing With RAKSAV

  • Equal-Opportunity Publishing: At RAKSAV, we believe in providing an equal opportunity to all contributors. We welcome diverse voices and perspectives, regardless of background, experience, or affiliation.
  • Quality is Paramount: While we have an open publishing policy, we prioritize quality content. Ensure that your content is well-researched, informative, and valuable to our readers. High-quality content is more likely to resonate with our audience.
  • Originality: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and submissions found to be plagiarized will not be published.
  • Relevance: Your content should align with our blog’s themes and topics. Please familiarize yourself with our content categories to ensure your submission fits within our areas of interest.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and style throughout your content. Avoid promotional or overly self-promotional language. Our goal is to provide informative and unbiased content to our readers.
  • Formatting: Use proper formatting, including headings, subheadings, and bullet points where applicable, to make your content easy to read and navigate.
  • Images: If your article includes images, ensure they are relevant, high-quality, and correctly attributed. Follow copyright guidelines when using images.
  • Citations: Back up your claims with credible sources and include proper citations when necessary. This adds credibility to your content.
  • Editing: While we respect your unique voice and perspective, we reserve the right to edit content for clarity, style, and grammar. Any significant changes will be communicated to you before publishing.
  • Respect Copyright: Respect copyright laws and only use content, quotes, or references that you have the right to use or are correctly attributed.
  • Author Bio: Include a brief author bio at the end of your article, along with a link to your website or social media profiles if desired.
  • Engagement: After your content is published, engage with our readers in the comments section. Answer questions and participate in meaningful discussions related to your content.
  • Promotion: Share your published content on your own social media and professional networks to maximize its reach and impact.
  • Feedback and Improvement: We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving our publishing process. Your insights help us better serve our contributors and readers.
  • Submission Process: Follow our submission guidelines for a smooth and efficient publishing process. Pay attention to any specific instructions provided during the submission process.

How to Post with us?

It is simple to guest post with us or write for us, but first, please read about us to understand what we publish. It will help you choose the right topic and content idea.

Posting with us at RAKSAV is a straightforward process, and we appreciate your interest in contributing. To ensure a seamless experience, please follow these steps:

Please note that while we welcome guest contributions, we reserve the right to decline submissions that do not meet our quality standards or align with our blog’s focus. Additionally, we do not accept content that is overly promotional or violates copyright and plagiarism guidelines.

Thank you for considering RAKSAV as a platform for sharing your knowledge and insights. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and working together to provide meaningful content to our readers.

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