
Google October 2023 Core Update

Google Releases October 2023 Core Algorithm Update

Google has officially launched its latest “October 2023 Core Update,” marking the third significant adjustment to its search ranking algorithms this year. This update comes on the heels of the March and August core updates, further highlighting Google’s ongoing commitment to refining its search engine to provide more relevant and helpful search results to people. […]

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September 2023 Helpful Content Update

Google Concludes Rollout of the September 2023 Helpful Content Update

Google has wrapped up the deployment of the September 2023 Helpful Content Update, a process that commenced on September 14 and concluded on September 28. This latest update signifies a pivotal milestone in Google’s commitment to refining the online search experience. The cornerstone of this update lies in an enhanced classifier system, bringing forth significant

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Links are not a top 3 Google Search ranking factor - says Gary Illyes

Google: Links No Longer Among the Top Three Ranking Signals

In a groundbreaking announcement, Google’s very own Gary Illyes has declared that links are no longer one of the top three ranking Signals in Google Search. This statement contradicts what we’ve believed for years and shakes up the foundation of SEO as we know it. Rewind to 2016, when Andrey Lipattsev, a senior strategist at

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Introduction of TW-BERT Advancements in Google Ranking Algorithm Research

Introduction of TW-BERT: Advancements in Google Ranking Algorithm Research

Google’s latest breakthrough in the realm of ranking algorithms has been unveiled as Term Weighting BERT (TW-BERT), a significant development aimed at enhancing search result accuracy. This innovative framework not only refines the ranking procedures across the spectrum, including query expansion but also boasts seamless integration into existing ranking systems. While Google has yet to

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Google Replies Whether Security Headers Provide Ranking Influence.

Google Replies Whether Security Headers Provide Ranking Influence

During a recent Google SEO Office Hours session, a query arose regarding the potential impact of security headers on search rankings. The question holds significance due to the role played by security headers, such as the HSTS header, in ensuring a secure HTTPS connection. It is worth noting that HTTPS serves as a lightweight ranking

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Interaction to Next Paint

Google Will Replace FID With INP (Interaction to Next Paint) as Core Web Vitals Metric

On 10 May 2023, Google announced at Google I/O, Interaction to Next Paint (INP) will replace First Input Delay (FID) as a Core Web Vitals metric starting in March 2024. What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP)? INP (Interaction to Next Paint) is a metric that utilizes data from the Event Timing API. It helps

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Google Guidance About AI-Generated Content

Google Guidance About AI-Generated Content 

Google has stated its stance on AI-generated content in search results. Google has a long-standing guideline of rewarding high-quality content, regardless of whether humans or machines produce it. Above all, Google’s ranking algorithms prefer information that displays expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). Google recommends that authors who want to rank high in search results

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How Long It Takes To Recover From Algorithmic Penalty Google Answers.(1)

How Long It Takes To Recover From Algorithmic Penalty? Google Answers

In a recent Google SEO office hour, Google responded to the query of how long it takes to recover from an algorithmic penalty that appeared from content quality issues. Google’s new office-hours structure does not allow for follow-up questions, resulting in answers that lack clarity and are less helpful than the previous format, which allowed for

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